• Give a Child a Start

    Our Vision is: To Help Educate the Children Locally & Globally. Our Believes is: When In Doubt … Go Back To The Basic The Course Curriculums Target: K – 12th Grade

    “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”                                                                                                                                     - Chinese Proverb

  • Helping. Healing. Caring

    Bringing Gospel Hope to Vulnerable Children through Global Orphan Care

    “It’s not what you Start in life, it’s what you FINISH.”                                                                        - Katharine Hepburn


    Teach them well and let them lead the way.

    “The goal isn’t to Live Forever … is to CREATE something that will.”                                                                                        -Chuck Palahniuk


What Your Donation Can Do

Train and resource the iBuildSchools to Care for Orphans

iBuildSchools is a 501 (C)(3) Non-Profit Foundation. We help build schools, feeds the Orphans, Children with HIV & Disabled in Vietnam, Asia, Africa, and USA.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to care for orphans throughout the world. Your donation supports our Global Training Network and Global Orphan Care Networks to help encourage and resource Christians across the globe who God calls into orphan ministry.


Interested in Volunteering at iBuildSchools?

As iBuildSchools continues to grow, we continue to need the time, talents, and expertise of our amazing volunteers.

If you would like to be a part of what God is doing within the work and ministry of iBuildSchools, please check out the areas of need below.



Your sponsorship helps provide for the necessary physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each child.

By giving a set donation amount monthly or yearly, sponsors help iBuildSchools regularly ship and distribute Bibles, food, clothing, medicine, Christian literature, and other needed items to Vietnam, USA, Asia, Africa, Central America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and other places.

Any of iBuildSchools’s 50-plus programs can become your personal monthly sponsorship. Choose a program below to learn more about it or to sign up for a monthly sponsorship.


What About the Vulnerable Who Will

Never See Adoption?

While adoption is a beautiful response to God’s command to care for the fatherless, the large majority of children considered orphans will never be adopted.

Various factors like age, special needs, and life and country circumstances often cause children to remain vulnerable. These children face vulnerability to sexual exploitation, drug abuse, and slavery. Many end up unprepared for adulthood and have no knowledge of a Heavenly Father who loves them.


Orphanage Locations


All children, families, and special needs deserve to live in safe, nurturing environment where they can feel valued and loved.

James 1:27 Is a Call to Care for the Vulnerable

Let us help you find ways to use your time, talents, and resources to take gospel hope to those in need around the world.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to care for orphans throughout the world. Your donation supports our Global Training Network and Global Orphan Care Networks to help encourage and resource Christians across the globe who God calls into orphan ministry.

Special Needs Sponsorship

Give & You Shall Receive

Your generous gift of this GraceWheels Wheelchair will make a lasting, meaningful impact for the senior elderly, and disable veterans.

iBuildSchools is a 501 (C)(3) Non-Profit Foundation. 

We help build schools, feeds the Orphans, Children with HIV & Disabled in Vietnam, Asia, Africa, and USA.

Orphanage Sponsorship Program

Through our Orphan Sponsorship Program, iBuildSchools goal is to provide care and assistance to those children who have lost their parents’ love and support, allowing them to thrive and receive an education.

“With GOD All Things Are Possible.”

Mathew 19:26

“WE Love Him, Because He First Loved Us”

1 John 4:19

“Cast Your Cares On The LORD and He Will Sustain You.”

Psalm 55:22

“When You Pray GOD Listens, When You Listen GOD Talks, When You Believe, GOD Works.”


    Our Impact 2010-2022

    0 K

    Orphans Aided

    0 M

    Raise Funds Goals

    0 K

    Special Needs Helped

    0 %

    Love Given

    Latest News & Events

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    Local Vietnam vets giving back to those in need with free wheelchairs, walkers, and more.

    April 27, 2022
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    Local Vietnam vets giving back to those in need with free wheelchairs, walkers, and more.

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    Why There’s A Global Outcry Over Volunteering At Orphanages

    April 27, 2022
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